Membership Information
Why Become a Member?
There are many benefits to becoming a US Figure Skating member through Hawaiʻi Figure Skating Club. Here are just a few:
⛸️ Members of HFSC are part of a supportive skating community; our ʻohana provides skaters and their families the opportunity to make lifelong friendships and memories and a safe and fun environment for personal growth and learning.
⛸️ There are a number of social events each year held exclusively for HFSC members, including annual Halloween parties, “skate nights,” and other social gatherings.
⛸️ HFSC provides the opportunity for skaters to begin their competitive skating career. Though testing and competing aren’t membership requirements, aspiring skaters who wish to compete must be a member of US Figure Skating. (HFSC is a member organization of US Figure Skating; membership with the Club automatically makes one a US Figure Skating member.)
⛸️ HFSC is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization, which means that part of your membership fee is tax-deductible!
⛸️ A copy of each published edition of Skating Magazine from US Figure Skating.
Member Responsibilities
⛸️ Pay membership dues for each active member every year. Dues include membership in both the Hawaii Figure Skating Club and US Figure Skating.
⛸️ Provide 8-hours of volunteer service to the club each year per member. At least 4 hours must be in service to the club with the balance being fulfilled by either service or food donations. A cap of 24 hours service is set per family with at least 12 of the hours being fulfilled via actual service.
⛸️Have fun skating and promoting the sport of Ice Skating!
⛸️ Each family must have at least one adult member – even if that member is not a skater.
How to Join
Please sign-up through EntryEeze.
Contact Membership Chair, Frank Godek if you have any questions or would prefer to have a paper sign up form.